The Guggenheim Grotto Oh Nikita歌词

2025-01-11 04:40

The Guggenheim Grotto - Oh Nikita
♪ marissa

I was meant for the movies
I was meant to be great
But somewhere in the confusion
I was left in the shade
Oh Nikita
Come get me
I'm almost thirty
Oh Nikita
Come get me
I'm almost thirty

I have lived with devotion
Dignity and panache
I stoked the fire within me
The fire turned me to ash
Oh Nikita
Come get me
I'm almost thirty
Oh Nikita
Come get me
I'm almost thirty

Oh Nikita
Come get me
I'm almost thirty
Oh Nikita
Come get me
I'm almost thirty

Oh Nikita
Come get me
I'm almost thirty
Oh Nikita
Come get me
I'm almost thirty
Oh Nikita
Come get me
I'm almost thirty
Oh Nikita
Come get me
I'm almost thirty


  • 专辑:Happy The Man
  • 歌手:The Guggenheim Grotto
  • 歌曲:Oh Nikita


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