Oh, Sleeper Hush Yael歌词

2024-12-24 07:02

Hush Yael, I hear them coming
We'll hide here until we're safe
Just hold tight to me,
Until they find what they need

Hush little Yael, I hear them leaving for the beach
Where on the stone and sand
Your sister finds her sleep

Wet your jaws for the world
We're going back to the darkest hours
Where our kind has confirmed
We are the masters of sin and slaughter

On the 22nd day of the 4th month, 1979
Warrants a judgment
Because he came and he saw
And this coward conquered a family asleep in their home

We must rise for the helpless and fight for their justice

So lift your voices high
Higher than the mountains of their spite
We are
We are the fearless, the ruthless,
The heralds of our time

So lift your voices high
Higher than the mountains of their spite
We are
We are the fearless, the ruthless,
The heroes of our time

She had to watch him pull the trigger in her daddy's back
Then put his face to the waves till he took his last
Then he took her life with the butt of a gun
Four years from when her life had begun

Rise (x4)

We are all weavers at the loom of the slaughter
But we will rise and make these victims our martyrs

So lift your voices high
Higher than the mountains of their spite
We are
We are the fearless, the ruthless,
The heralds of our time

So lift your voices high
Higher than the mountains of their spite
We are
We are the fearless, the ruthless,
The heroes of our time

Make him beg for his life
Make him beg for his life
He made me watch as my family died
He'll never know what it's like
So cut him slow until his soul takes flight

Hush Yael, they found him and they put him in chains
The one who broke our home is finally feeling pain
Hush little Yael, I'm sorry your lungs are empty
But in your new home, that man will not be seen

End him slow
End him slow
Make him feel the rocks that her temple rode
End him slow
End him slow
End him slow

  • 专辑:Children Of Fire
  • 歌手:Oh, Sleeper
  • 歌曲:Hush Yael


소녀시대 Hush Hush; Hush Hush (Live)歌词

I never needed you to be strong I never needed you for pointing out my wrongs I never needed pain I never needed strain My love for you was strong enough you should have known I never needed you for judgements I never needed you to question what I sp

Hush! 之间歌词

所有圓形的缺都是尖銳 而尖銳的缺只是圓的演變 相對天空最低的地方那條直線就是 海的最高點 所有圓形的尖銳都是缺 而尖銳的圓又該尋求何解 最低的地方都有底限而最高的地方卻 天外有天 沒有答案的疑問都暫時無解 暫時只能寄託在答與問之間 再歡樂的故事情節都會偶然掀起某種難過的層面 反而悲傷的真實案件 卻往往引來 啼笑皆非 當時間只是一條直線你又是否懸掛來回擺盪不決 從最低的底限到最高的頂點尋求一個舒服的象限 在時間和空間的中間是之間 也許我們都活在之間的之間 专辑:X 歌手:Hush! 歌曲:之间

Hush! X歌词

當命運之輪轉動 再次交手 上昇的變成失落 讓對與錯 重新來過 越接近意志背後 越是自我 沒有極限地騷動 時間經過 一切依舊 還是平行地生長交叉地活 數不盡的你與差不多的我 帶著天使的針線魔鬼的鎖 穿透了地平線縫著你和我 把命運握在左手 把右手留給花朵 替換軀殼的時候 靈魂能懂 太陽出現 月亮出現 你會不會等待我 月亮經過 星星墜落 而未知的又會是什麼 专辑:X 歌手:Hush! 歌曲:X

Hush 克卜勒歌词

等不到你 成为我最闪亮的星星 我依然愿意借给你我的光 投射给你 直到你那灿烂的光芒 静静地挂在遥远的天上 当你沉浸 天空那条冰冷的银河 粼粼的波光够不够暖活你 当你想起 那道源自于我的光芒 我依然愿意为你 来歌唱 一闪一闪亮晶晶 好像你的身体 藏在众多孤星之中还是找得到你 挂在天上放光明 反射我的孤寂 提醒我 我也只是一颗寂寞的星星 当你沉浸 天空那条冰冷的银河 粼粼的波光够不够暖活你 当你想起 那道源自于我的光芒 我依然愿意为你 来歌唱 一闪一闪亮晶晶 好像你的身体 藏在众多孤星之中还是找得到

The Dreamer and the Sleeper The Psychologist歌词

Well girl, let's make some dinner plans She calls her group of lady friends I'll be the one man band, no one can hold my hand Cause I'm using both my hands Well I'm stuck here, drowned in girlish smells Who thought this could become my hell I've got

Sleeper Miss You歌词

was it circumstance or was it merely that the sky fell down and made you weary i told you but you already knew i will miss you i will certainly miss you you look just the same in all your pictures still somehow you've changed a fitting or some fixtur

Hush! 主要成分歌词

主要成份 詞曲Hush 靈與肉的結構被拆穿 主要都是天然的成份 善感是物競天擇 多愁是分泌產生 憂愁是否又能被計算? 流了幾滴眼淚又如何? 釋懷是負負得正 後悔是自欺欺人 虛榮心使人純潔 愛可以生恨 只不過是突變的過程 我晾著臉色 把心曬乾了 眼淚蒸發後就能取得 些許的鹽水結合 沒什麼純屬巧合 不過是物理性的自然原則 人類的主要成份 专辑:异常现象 歌手:Hush! 歌曲:主要成分

Hush! 过来人歌词

屏东 我家乡的名字 
那里的人 过着朴实生活 
我的家人 我多想念他们 
想他们都快乐 台北 我现在的居所 
这里的人 牺牲太多时刻 
然而 算不算是值得 
你是否 也会纳闷 你呢 现在又在哪儿 
 我啊 也不算过来人 
只是多了一些碰撞的伤痕 专辑:异常现象 歌手:Hush! 歌曲:过来人

HUSH 尴尬歌词

尴尬--hush 我一个人在大街上旋转 我左转 我右转 我向前看 我揣着一兜 沉甸甸的遗憾 我无处躲藏人们如此简单 没有问题 让你挡在我的我的前面 让你挡住我的视线烦恼 没有道理 让你再次记得世界哭泣 那你太聪明没办法 我们走失了一个叫做迷幻的城市 许多孩子都会在这里消失 AND T DON'T CARE 我没有能力 让你一次一次发现真谛 让你发现这些没有意义 没有时间 猜出你的那些无聊问题 哪儿有那么多为什么 我们走失了这个叫做尴尬的城市 许多快乐和忧伤在这里消失 AND I DON'T CA